Your $30 a year per individual membership or $50 per year family membership in the Saratoga Lake Association offers the following benefits:
- Membership: The Membership Committee works with Community Outreach to help recruit members, and works with Join-it, our comprehensive membership software keeping track of dues and keeping membership list updated. No experience required.
- Communications: Work on Shore Lines, SLA’s Newsletter that is issued 4 – 6X a year. Look for writers and/or write editorial, gather news around the lake, work on Mailchimp software. No experience required.
- Community Outreach: Recruit members to join the Lake Association and educate the public about issues around the lake that affect water quality and recreational issues.
- Outreach: Represent our membership in issues that affect the Lake with the appropriate branches of government. Attend city/town meetings, and/or read minutes from meetings and report to monthly board meetings on issues affecting the lake.
- Events: Plan our holiday and summer parties, annual meeting, and various educational events throughout the year.
- Lake Ecology: Learn and understand developments around the lake that can affect water quality and recreational opportunities. Work with Events on educating members and public on issues affecting the Lake.
- Ambassador:The SLA Events Committee is looking for some Ambassadors, representatives to our committee, who would like to welcome folks into our events and help them feel welcome at our gatherings. We will give our SLA Ambassadors special name tags so they can be easily identified, who are willing to help folks mix and mingle by making introductions. As always the Events Committee is looking for happy-go-lucky people wanting to help plan our events. If you might like to assist (even just working check-in the day of the event) Please contact Paula Von Stetina at paulavonstetina@gmail.com