Become a member

With multiple new public access points including the City of Saratoga Springs Waterfront Park and the Town of Stillwater’s Brown’s Beach, our community has expanded well beyond the lake borders. You do not have to live on or own property on the lake to be part of the SLA.

With multiple new public access points including the City of Saratoga Springs Waterfront Park and the Town of Stillwater’s Brown’s Beach, our community has expanded well beyond the lake borders. You do not have to live on or own property on the lake to be part of the SLA.


Benefits of Membership

Your $30 a year per individual membership or $50 per year family membership in the Saratoga Lake Association offers the following benefits:

  • A forum to discuss lake-wide issues and concerns
    Annual business and periodic informational meetings.
  • The opportunity to make a difference in the lake community.
  • Shore Lines, our award winning newsletter and our rapidly expanding Facebook page brings our lake community together with events, neighborhood news, photographs, issues of concern, and historical reminisces.
  • SLA Business Connections an on-line business directory that includes member businesses, governmental agency and emergency contacts.
  • Opportunities to participate on committees that address your specific interests or concerns.
  • Collaboration with and outreach to other lake-based organizations and municipalities around the lake.

Business Memberships

Business memberships are available for $150, allowing businesses the opportunity to invest in the community by becoming a member of SLA. Business members are provided the following benefits based on their membership tier:

  • Listed on the SLA online business directory
  • Recognized in our newsletter that reaches over 600 members of the local community
  • Recognition of your company in SLA’s Annual Report

Membership Activities

We strive to offer a wide variety of events that appeal to all and foster a sense of community. These activities allow you to meet your fellow lake neighbors, network, and make new friends.

Annual BBQ

Water Chestnut Pulls

Adopt-A-Highway Roadside Clean-Ups

Networking Events

Historic Presentations

Educational Presentations

Annual Holiday Party

Annual Cocktail Party

Programming At Public Access Parks
